Is Content Creation for SEO Blogs Really Worth the Time?

Content creation by publishing a site blog is one tool that digital marketing companies like Blue Zone Marketing encourage. But the question for you is, does it really provide a good return on investment (ROI)?

Let’s take a look at how blogs improve SEO to discover why website builders say “content Is king.” The fact is, putting the right words on a webpage can become one of your most valuable online marketing assets.

High Conversion Rates Equals ROI Gold Mine

Content creation is a staple of digital marketing and often the beginning of the buyer’s journey. When people go online for information on how to solve a problem or achieve a goal, SEO blogs are often what they find. When a user types in “how do I fix X problem”, they are often unsure of what they need to do or buy. What they are looking for is “how to” or “what’s causing this” information. SEO blogs about your product or service can answer these questions. In other words, SEO blogs make it easy to attract potential customers to your site by giving them solutions or answers to their problems in a search-friendly, low-pressure format.

But publishing an SEO blog with high-quality content has an ulterior motive: getting visitors to convert from information consumers to product or service consumers without leaving your site. If your SEO blog answers questions that users are asking, you establish yourself as an authority. And, chances are, they will look elsewhere on your website to see what else you can do for them.

You can actually measure the number of website conversions, sign-ups, subscriptions, or sales brought about by your blog by using analytics, and put a hard number on your ROI. When you see high conversion rates, you know that creating value for visitors with an SEO blog is absolutely worth your time and investment.

Why SEO Audits Are Vital to the Success of SEO Blog Content

There is an added benefit to SEO blogs, and it is that: SEO. The measure of your overall online success will depend greatly on how well your site ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs). To earn a high-ranking, a search engine must determine that your website delivers superior value for the user-search intent. Every time you attract web traffic through your blog, keep users on your site, or convert users to consumers, Google will measure that and your ranking will improve.

SEO blogs also help you take advantage of ongoing changes in internet behavior. For example, keyword research is intended to identify specific phrases people are searching for with respect to your product or service. Because an SEO blog constantly adds new content to your site, you can take advantage of search trends or capitalize on keywords that provide higher conversion rates.  Website data analytics will give you feedback on how well your existing content is working and how new content can improve your ranking. And all of this is measurable. Regular content audits on your part make sure your webpages are search-engine and user-friendly in terms of achieving their purpose.

Tips for Tracking: Key Performance Indicators for SEO Blogs

It is relatively easy to measure your ROI when you implement an SEO blog as part of your marketing strategy. First, you will need to define what your SEO blog goals are. Then, you identify those metrics that indicate that your goals are being met.

Some of the most helpful metrics that help you to determine whether your SEO blog is successful, or whether you need to adjust your approach, include measuring the following:

  • The amount of organic web traffic your website attracts
  • Increased conversion rates for visitors to your site
  • Whether you are providing better resources for visitors, judged by user time on the site
  • The number of in-bound links giving you broader reach with more authority
  • Increases in sales, clients, or memberships

At Blue Zone Marketing, we believe that, for many companies, website content creation that includes an SEO blog is essential for growing your business online and getting the most ROI for your time and money. High-value content like articles and videos, in conjunction with other online marketing efforts such as social media posts and digital ads, all lead to improved SEO, increased conversions, more traffic, and increased profits. Contact us today at Blue Zone Marketing to see how we can help you build, promote, and protect your online presence.

Let’s take a look at how blogs improve SEO to discover why website builders say “content Is king.” The fact is, putting the right words on a webpage can become one of your most valuable online marketing assets.

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