A blog can be an excellent way to position your company as a leader in the field. When done properly, your blog can also act as a sales funnel, luring potential clients in through your articles. However, with so many blogs on the market, how do you make yours rise through the blog rankings and land in those top three search results? Consider a few tips and tricks that you can use to track and grow your blog.
1. Produce More Content
There is absolutely no substitute for producing more content. Blogs rise in the rankings when they are constantly publishing new material. Set a schedule and post as frequently as possible. The more content you write, the faster your blog will grow. As you cover a wider variety of topics related to your business, you’ll gain control over more search terms.
But what if you don’t have time to write as often as you should? It may be best to bring in an agency, such as Blue Zone Marketing, that can help build content for your website. With professional writers backing your blog, you’ll see results faster.
2. Monitor Your Company’s Reputation
While it’s easy to get caught up in WordPress dashboards and statistics on all of your blog posts, that’s only a small portion of what you should monitor. Remember that when you tie a blog to a business, your business itself speaks louder than your blog. If your business has bad reviews lingering online, Google will likely keep your blog below the surface.
Reputation monitoring is invaluable. You can make negative reviews fade away and encourage more positive reviews to take their place. When your company has a pristine image, your blog is likely to be seen as trustworthy by search algorithms.
3. Boost Posts on Social Media
The most successful companies today leverage multiple channels to garner as much attention as possible. Your blog is not your only tool. In using social media posts to boost your blog posts, it raises awareness of your blog. Furthermore, social media posts are able to reach a much wider audience.
Your social media presence should be a top priority these days. Make sure that you’re building a solid social media profile and that you’re using it to promote your other social network activity. You can also use social media tracking tools to monitor posts related to your blog and see how your blog appeals to outsiders.
4. Look at Successful Examples
If your blog isn’t moving up the rankings fast enough, compare it to your competitors. Whose blogs are winning? What are they doing differently? Examine successful examples of blogs that have helped similar companies grow. Through a holistic strategy that included social media and video marketing, along with blog articles, these companies saw their sales increase quickly. Yours can do the same.
Blogs take time to grow, so don’t expect results overnight. However, you can accelerate blog growth by producing more high-quality content more frequently. If you need a hand with your blog strategy, contact Blue Zone Marketing today to schedule a meeting with our team.
With so many blogs on the market, how do you make yours rise through the blog rankings and land in those top three search results? Consider a few tips and tricks that you can use to track and grow your blog.